Alumni Ambassadors Program

First name(s)
Last name(s)
Degree(s) earned
 Please separate multiple degrees with a comma (e.g. BA English, MA History)
Year(s) of graduation
 Please provide the full year (e.g. 1970). Separate multiple years with a comma. (e.g. 1970, 1975)
Field of work
Street address

Are there cities/locations other than your primary city where you would also be able to meet students?
 Please note that "Other" is the last item on this dropdown list. Choosing that will allow you to enter another option.
 Please note that "Other" is the last item on this dropdown list. Choosing that will allow you to enter another option.
Postal Code/ZIp
Phone number
Email address

Please describe how your experience at SMU and your SMU degree has positively affected your career and your life.

If possible, please provide two references (ideally, one will be a SMU staff or faculty person).

I am interested in the following activities:
Admission interviews
Speaking at events/schools
Representing Saint Mary’s at recruitment fairs in my region (with or without SMU full time staff)